Housing Recovery Program
About the Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated $201.5 million to Sarasota County Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), known as Resilient SRQ, to aid the long-term recovery from Hurricane Ian for low-to-moderate income individuals. This program has $55 million allocated to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing for residents affected by the disaster. Funds will be available for rehabilitation, reconstruction, or reimbursement for homes damaged during Hurricane Ian. If your home sustained damaged from Hurricane Ian, you may be eligible for assistance.
Application Steps​
1. Submit the homeowner interest survey online. The interest survey closed on August 9, 2024.​​
2. Conditionally eligible applicants will receive an invitation to the application via email. Invitations are being released from the queue in small groups on a first come, first serve basis.
3. Once the homeowner has completed the application and provide all required documents, the applicants will be assigned a case manager. Applicants will work with their case manager to verify eligibility questions, finalize the application and complete required documents.
4. Award determination - if applicant is eligible:
a. For reimbursement requests for work completed from Hurricane Ian, funds will be distributed to the homeowner.
b. For rehabilitation or reconstruction requests, a Sarasota County contractor will be assigned to begin the process.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the CDBG-DR Housing Recovery program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Own the damaged home.
Experienced damage to their home from Hurricane Ian.
Use the damaged home as their primary residence prior to Hurricane Ian.
Maintain a mortgage in good standing or be on a payment plan in good standing.
Have a household income at or below 80% of Sarasota County’s area median income (AMI).

Need Help?
For assistance, call Resilient SRQ staff at 941-861-5309 or email info@ResilientSRQ.net. Translation services are available as needed.
You can meet with case managers in person at the Shannon Staub Library in North Port.
Case Managers will be available in Room 141, located at 4675 Career Lane, North Port Tuesday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Forms and Resources​
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to apply for Infrastructure and Public Facilities funding?Sarasota County public entities are eligible to apply for funding for infrastructure and public facilities. Nonprofit organizations registered as a 501(c)(3) or (4) within Sarasota County are eligible to apply for funding for public facilities.
What are the project qualifications for nonprofit organizations?Projects must benefit low- to moderate- income clientele, have a tieback to Hurricane Ian, and rehabilitate or reconstruct public facilities.
What are the project qualifications for public entities?Projects must benefit low- to moderate- income persons, assist in the prevention or elimination of slum or blight or meet an urgent need; have a tieback to Hurricane Ian or mitigation, and rehabilitate or reconstruct public facilities and/or infrastructure.
How can my organization apply for Infrastructure and Public Facilities funding?Applications are now closed. The program application launched February 5, 2024, and closed March 18, 2024. Sign-up to receive email updates in the event that additional funding becomes available in the future.
I represent a nonprofit organization. How do I know which application to complete?Nonprofit organizations must complete and submit the pre-application first. Those meeting the minimum eligibility requirements will then be sent the link to the full application for nonprofits. Any applications submitted by a nonprofit using the public entity application will not be reviewed or considered for funding. Applications are now closed.
How much funding is available for Infrastructure and Public Facilities projects?The total funding amount available for Infrastructure and Public Facilities projects is $45,000,000.
What is the maximum amount that my organization can request?There are no minimum or maximum funding amounts set for the Infrastructure and Public Facilities program. Projects will be considered based on eligibility criteria and overall cost reasonableness.
What is the process for selecting projects?Nonprofit organizations submitted their pre-application to determine initial eligibility. If deemed eligible, the Resilient SRQ team sent an invitation to complete the application. Public entities submitted an application. Applications are now closed. On Wednesday, May 22, the Sarasota County Commission convened at 1660 Ringling Blvd. to select projects for the Resilient SRQ Infrastructure and Public Facilities Program.
Can CDBG-DR funds be combined with other federal funds?Resilient SRQ funding supplements other Federal recovery assistance programs administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Resilient SRQ funds cannot duplicate funding available from federal, state, or local governments, private and non-profit organizations, insurance proceeds, or any other source of assistance.
Where can I find more information?Updates to the Program will be posted there regularly on our website.
What is Resilient SRQ?Resilient SRQ is a Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program, an allocation of funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to rebuild disaster-impacted areas when a president declares a major disaster and there are significant unmet needs for long-term recovery in the community. Sarasota County received these funds to support the long-term recovery efforts from Hurricane Ian focusing on low- to moderate- income persons.
Where did these funds come from?Funding for Resilient SRQ comes from the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program, an allocation directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist in the long-term recovery efforts of Hurricane Ian.
Who manages Resilient SRQ?Sarasota County is the grantee for the Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds awarded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Program is being managed by the Program Management Division in the Office of Financial Management at Sarasota County. You can contact the Program staff directly by emailing ResilientSRQ@scgov.net.
What are the requirements of Resilient SRQ?Resilient SRQ created projects and programs that addresses the unmet needs of Sarasota County residents following Hurricane Ian with a focus on low-to moderate- income persons. Resilient SRQ must meet requirements set by HUD including meeting a HUD national objective (listed below) and having a direct or indirect tie back to Hurricane Ian: Benefit low to moderate income persons Assist in the prevention or elimination of slum or blight Meet an urgent need In addition, 70 percent of funds must be used to benefit low- to moderate- income persons. Generally, programs fall into the following categories: housing, infrastructure, workforce development & training, and mitigation.
How do I apply to receive funding?Individual programs and projects will not begin until early to mid-2024 based on required from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Updates will be posted on the Program's webpage, www.ResilientSRQ.net.
What projects and programs will Resilient SRQ work on?The Infrastructure and Public Facilities program launched February 5, 2024, and closed March 18, 2024. Board of County Commission selected projects on May 22, 2024. Visit the Infrastructure and Public Facilities page for a list of approved projects. The Multifamily Affordable Housing program launched March 20, 2024, and closed May 1, 2024. Resilient SRQ staff is currently reviewing projects and will present to the Board of County Commission on July 10, 2024. The Workforce Development and Training program launched, May 15, 2024, and will close June 26, 2024. The Housing Recovery survey has a tentative launch date of mid-June 2024. Additional, programs are diligently being worked on my County staff. To receive updates, you can fill out the contact form. Funds will be used across Sarasota County with a primary focus on supporting low- to moderate- income persons.
How long does this process take?The Public Action Plan detailing how the County intends to spend the $201.5 million was sent to HUD in September 2023. HUD approved the Action Plan in November 2023. Following HUD’s approval, the County began designing and implementing the Projects and Programs outlined in the Public Action Plan.
What is the process for receiving funding?At this time, the County is not accepting applications for funding from the Housing Recovery program. When these Programs are developed and applications are accepted, the public will be notified and information will be posted on our website. The Infrastructure and Public Facilities program launched February 5, 2024, and closed March 18, 2024. Board of County Commission selected projects on May 22, 2024. Visit the Infrastructure and Public Facilities page for a list of approved projects. The Multifamily Affordable Housing program launched March 20, 2024, and closed May 1, 2024. Resilient SRQ staff is currently reviewing projects and will present to the Board of County Commission on July 10, 2024. The Workforce Development and Training program launched, May 15, 2024, and will close June 26, 2024. The Housing Recovery survey has a tentative launch date of mid-June 2024.
Where can I find more information?Updates to the Program will be posted regularly on our website.
What is a Public Action Plan and why does Sarasota County have to submit one?A Public Action Plan is an outline which states how allocated funds will be used to address housing, economic development, infrastructure, and mitigation programs. The Action Plan must also address how these programs serve an unmet need in the community. Prior to receiving the funds, HUD must approve how the County plans on using the funds. Public participation was strongly encouraged during the formation of the Public Action Plan and during a formal public comment period. HUD approved the Sarasota County Action Plan in November 2023.
Where can I go if I need assistance now?If you need assistance now, please visit Making an Impact or Suncoast 2-1-1 for a Sarasota County Community Resource Guide.
Can CDBG-DR funds be combined with other Federal assistance?Resilient SRQ funding supplements other Federal recovery assistance programs administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Resilient SRQ funds cannot duplicate funding available from federal, state, or local governments, private and non-profit organizations, insurance proceeds, or any other source of assistance.